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April 2014 – Pfeiffer Nature Center

Need more reasons?

 Here at Pfeiffer Nature Center we’re always looking for thoughtful ideas about how to express the importance of being outside every day.  And how to use our country’s current culture to encourage parents and children to spend time in nature. In fact, the most recent…

Nature & Preschoolers

Young Minds Thrive When Soaking in the Beauty of Nature Springtime in the woods is full of wonder and magic! Being outdoors in nature is the perfect backdrop for inspiring children to become passionate about the beautiful Earth we have inherited. Showing little ones…

It’s Truly Spring

On my early morning walk today I heard and saw the wonderful sounds and sights of spring. Since it was still quite dark, closest to my house I started seeing ‘glow worms’ – the larvae of fireflies. At this time they’re not developed into…