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Reviving My Senses – Sound – Pfeiffer Nature Center

Reviving My Senses – Sound

I found sound challenging to capture in a silent, still photo. You be the judge of how well I did.


Bumblebee busy gathering chive nectar


This little buzzer is pollinating my red raspberries.

Yellow Bellied Sapsucker
Yellow Bellied Sapsucker

The Yellow Bellied Sapsucker has a jazzy little drumming beat.

Sapsucker at work
Sapsucker at work

He proudly announces his presence for all the nearby females using the resonance of my garage roof.

A man-made sound of spring
A man-made sound of spring

Not one of my preferred sounds, my neighbors mowing their lawn is a sure sign of spring.

Spring Rain
Spring Rain

Rain pounding on my skylight is a welcome sound, watering my garden and woods, and making sure there’s water in that ditch for the tadpoles.

Spring waterfall
Spring waterfall

A good rain brings out spring waterfalls in the creeks.

Wind Chimes
Wind Chimes

These wind chimes were made for me by my honey years ago. The sound is just lovely, and they move with just a gentle breeze.

It’s your turn – what’s pleasing YOUR ears this spring?

by Peg Cherre, Executive Director