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Spring Seasonal Forest Bathing-Moving – Pfeiffer Nature Center

Spring Seasonal Forest Bathing-Moving

Location: Pfeiffer Lillibridge property- 1974 Lillibridge Road in Portville, NY.

Sunday, April 30th Program Start Time: 10 AM

Program Length: 1 hour

Cost: $7/person or $5 for Members

Forest bathing, also known in Japanese culture as “taking in the forest atmosphere” or shinrinyoku, is a slow calming wander, a moving meditation surrounded by nature that has been practiced for centuries but coined a term in Japan in the 80s. This session is led by Jessie Lampack Slattery, a local yoga instructor, and outdoor enthusiast. We will breathe and enjoy the many physical, emotional, mental, and energetic benefits of forest bathing. We will meet in the parking lot and wander through the woods, enjoying this as a whole-body experience. In this session we will focus on observation, reflection, and deep gratitude to the Earth herself. “Every day is Earth Day when you are an Earthling” – this will be our anchor on our walk. All ages are invited if they can maintain our quiet atmosphere. We ask you to please prepare for possible cold temperatures(this is a slower and more mindful pace than an average hike so dress appropriately) and show up with an open mind. Prepare to turn inward and find yourself expanding and connecting with even the trees themselves.

“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.” – Thich Nhat Hanh.

Studies have shown that forest bathing can reduce blood pressure, lower cortisol levels, decrease stress, improve concentration and memory, and boost the immune system! Please join us! Plan to leave your phones and cameras at home as we unplug for an hour and reset our internal systems. We will breathe and gently stretch along the way, soaking in the healing qualities of this shared homeland. We hope to see you there!

The cost is $7 per person or $5 for Pfeiffer Members and can be paid at

the time of the program. Pre-registration is not required.

In the event of freezing rain and/or extreme weather, this program will be canceled-please look for a cancellation notice at www.facebook.com/hometownyoga. This walk will be held at the Pfeiffer Lillibridge property- 1974 Lillibridge Road in Portville, NY.

Pfeiffer Nature Center is supported by United Way Funding. Pfeiffer

Nature Center where science, art & nature come together.