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Current Volunteer Opportunities – Pfeiffer Nature Center

Current Volunteer Opportunities

If you have an idea about how you can help that you don’t see listed below, give us a call at 716.933.0187. We’d love to have your special skills!

PHOTOGRAPHERS, WRITERS ~ Here’s a great opportunity to express your creativity! We want to add more information to our website, blog, and Facebook. You can help us reach more people! Whenever you’re hiking our trails, take a few digital photos and email them to use. Include the basics – what trail were you on when you took the picture, date you were there, anything else that’s relevant – maybe it’s the weather, time of day, species ID, abundance or rarity of the photographic subject, etc. If you want to write more – such as a full blog post, great; if you’d rather we did that, we can. Your photo will be an important record and incentive for others to visit!

If you really like taking pictures, we have more long-term photographic projects, too. Just drop us a line with your interest and we’ll provide more details.

GARDEN CLIPPERS ~ We start gathering supplies for our all-natural wreath decorations in spring each year. Maybe you have domestic plants in your garden that dry nicely. Perhaps you like to pick and dry wildflowers. Both are wonderful, as are a variety of pine cone types, nuts, and seed pods. We use many bags and boxes of dried material each year, decorating 300+ wreaths. We’re always particularly eager to have brightly colored items, as they’re the hardest to find. We’ll provide information on our needs, when to pick and how to dry flowers, and everything else you’ll need to know.

PRESENTER ~ This volunteer position involves representing Pfeiffer Nature Center in the community, by fulfilling requests for speakers at community groups, organizations, etc. in the Allegany, Cattaraugus and McKean county areas. The volunteer who performs this job should be comfortable in a public speaking arena, articulate, reliable in fulfilling booked engagements. Requests for speakers can vary. We will keep track of volunteer availability and assign Pfeiffer Presenters accordingly to meet both the schedule of the organization and the volunteer giving the presentation. This position requires a brief training seminar.  Call to schedule an orientation.  There will be an overview of the organization and a basic script will be given to all volunteers. This is an important job within the Nature Center because it helps promote awareness and support for the Pfeiffer Nature Center and our mission within the community.

SEEDLING PLANTER ~ This volunteer position is ideal for children and parents.  Periodically we plant seedlings at our Eshelman Property.  Volunteers should be able to use a shovel, kneel, and enjoy being outdoors. Volunteers should also bring, if available, work gloves and digging tools.  Contact us for more information at 716-933-0187.

TRAIL BLAZING ~ This volunteer position involves refreshing blazes along the nine miles of trails on the Lillibridge & Eshelman Properties.  The blazing uses stencils and spray paint.  Helpers should be able to work with these tools, be meticulous, and able to walk and climb moderate elevations.  This activity is not available for persons under the age of 18.

TRAIL CLEARING & MAINTENANCE ~ This volunteer position involves clearing debris, cutting seedlings, raking trail paths to maintain safe walking surfaces on our nine miles of trails.  Helpers should be able to work with tools  and able to walk and climb moderate elevations. 

INVASIVE PLANT REMOVAL ~ A critical operation of the Nature Center is to keep current invasive at bay and to prevent new invasives from gaining a foothold on our properties.  Invasive plants crowd out native species.  Early spring teams of volunteers assist in the selective removal of multiflora rose from the site of the Children’s Interpretative Garden.  Early spring volunteers  help with the removal of garlic mustard.  Volunteers can contact the office for the latest information and direction on the removal efforts.

Get Involved! Call us at 716-933-0187 or contact us by email to get started.